Projects / Residential / QP14 House


Imagining a ground level house design, in a 360m² terrain, aimed to the real estate market (therefore constructively cheap and commercially attractive) is not a simple task.
The demand for such a typology, and the great availability of terrains in such conditions in the city of Ribeirão Preto, made us think about the most suitable implantation and construction possibilities, as well as sectorization and organization that a clientless thought design could organize.
The opportunity to put in practice such an ideia, came to light in a neighboring terrain to a concluded house project from the office: the QP House. Designing a house in a neighboring terrain from a previously designed house, give light to a series of comparisons, but it also creates the possibility of a conceptual discussion. Even if the two typologies are distinct (the QP House is an author design and a two story building), the same principles were kept: minimalist volumetry, clean lines, integrated balcony with the recreation area and large parallels glass panels, which displays crossed ventilation in the living room.

Technical specifications

Ribeirão Preto - SP

Construction Drawings

Fernando Gobbo and Larissa França